
Unreal - Creating Dynamic 3D Text

Unreal doesn't do well when using UI Widgets set to World View. The text is very pixelated and there isn't a clear solution that I have found. So, I resorted to creating a Blueprint actor and making my own with a text component.  I needed to create a callout that toggles on/off on click as a child of a larger parent blueprint that contains a number of things - a highlight/trigger box, the mesh itself, an icon indicating it's an interactable object and the callout in question. This blueprint object - we'll call it a room component object - pulls it's information in from a datatable (ie. name, price, etc) via an id. So I have a function that initializes this parent blueprint - using it's id variable to look up it's row from the table and grab the info it needs for itself.  At the end of this function I set the text on the callout blueprint to the retrieved 'name' info. Within the callout blueprint itself I have a function that sets the text content

Unreal - Creating a Distance Field Font

1. Open the Font 2. Set the size to 40pt as the base size 3. Choose 'offline' from the dropdown (set to runtime by default) 4. Scroll down and tick 'distance field' 5. In Content Browser, right-click on font asset and choose ReImport Reference: MostHost_LA Marketplace Creator Jul '20 Yes. Open the font, make it local or whatever the equivalent option is. pick 40pt as the base size, I find it works best. After it converts it is made into an imported font. Within its settings you’ll find the option to toggle on for distance field. After toggling you need to right click the top and reselect the re-import option. That creates the proper dept of field font that actally works without having to go and manually specify sizing/creating by hand.
Mandalas The Chakra Series Muladhara - The Root Chakra Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra Manipura - The Solar Plexus Chakra Anahata - The Heart Chakra Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Greek Gods and Goddesses Hermes As the god of boundaries and transitions, Hermes was known to be quick and cunning and had the ability to freely move between the mortal and divine worlds. It is this skill that made him a luck-bringing messenger to the gods and intercessor between mortals and the divine. Hermes: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 Zeus Zeus is  the “Father of Gods and men”, he is a sky god who controls lightning (often using it as a weapon) and thunder. Zeus is king of  Mount Olympus , the home of Greek gods, where he rules the world and imposes his will onto gods and mortals alike. Zeus: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 Hephaestus God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture . Hephaestus: - Greek Gods & Goddesses, September 19, 2014 Ares Ares is


Buddha and the Lotuses Title: Buddha and the Lotuses Dimensions: 24in w x 18in h  Medium: Oil Painting on Canvas (unframed) Artist: Eleanor (Ellie) Hofer Price: $420 Availability:  Available Online Mother Mary Mandala Heart Lock Latin Madonna Sun-Kissed with Gold Summer Girl Black Hamsa Green Mehndi Flower Sacred Vision Listen To Thine Own Self Be True Red Mandalas Dream Field The Vitality of Water Peace Dove Mandala Night Sea Lotus on the Quiet Morning Pond Buddha in the Red Garden Goddess of the Tropics Butterfly Madonna Madonna of the Morning Light Lady in Repose Weeping Room Mourner Candlemoth Madonna of the Morning Light Owl's Story Passion Repose Snail Queen Solace The Musician Diary of Flowers Dreams of Horses Fish Tale